Thursday, October 2, 2008

Guess who wants some attention?

He's doing lots of kicking to let us know he is there! I felt the first kick at 18 weeks, only two days after we found out he was a boy. I was in church and it was right at the end of mass! (You can read into this how you want!) At first it was pretty irregular, but now it is certainly getting to be a common thing. They are strong enough that others can feel him on the outside and I can see my hand move significantly if he gets me good. It is the best feeling in the world! I have given it some thought and think I will miss this feeling tremendously once he's born. One interesting thing to note is that he seems to get quiet whenever Joe puts his hand on my belly. I think it is because Joe's hand is warmer than my cold little paws and it is soothing to him. Also because he knows it's daddy! :)


Maureen said...

I'm sure he was telling you that the mass had run overtime again, and that football was on!

James Joseph Middleton said...

That's pretty much what Joe and I were thinking but didn't want to say it! ;)

ericajday said...

Mary Clare!!

Congratulations! I'm sitting here reading your blog and getting teary eyed, I'm so very happy for you!
I tried emailing you a while back but it was returned to me.

Love you and wish the very best for you all!
Erica D.

James Joseph Middleton said...

Hello Erica! I miss you! Is your # still the same as you sent in your Christmas card? I think I have it and if so will give you a call. I want to catch up! Love you too!

ericajday said...

I'm not sure if it's the same, but email me to make sure -