Saturday, October 4, 2008

We've reached another milestone!

The doctor uses Saturday as the day of the week when I move forward a week in pregnancy. Today is 23 weeks! Every Saturday morning Joe and I have a ritual of reading from the book "Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy" about what's going on with our baby that week. It's something we really look forward to and was especially fun early on when he was developing his organs and major body parts. Today is a milestone because it notes that babies born after 23 weeks can sometimes survive (if taken care of in an NICU and without major complications)! His lungs are the big focus this week - they are growing rapidly.

BTW - I totally recommend the "Mayo Clinic" book I reference above. It provides very factual information without unnecessarily scaring you. I've heard "What to Expect When You're Expecting" is written in a tone that can freak moms-to-be out about everything. In the "Mayo" book they reference how your body and emotions are changing by month and also clarify when it's necessary to visit the doctor by month. So, pains or dizziness one month may be ok one month, but not the next. It's very clear. So far I've been able to remain fairly calm (with only two extra doctor's visits when I had questions to be safe)!


Unknown said...

The Mayo clinic makes a great book following all of the developement and ailments possible from birth to age five. I still look back to the book to check if the kids should be losing a tooth, if their symptoms could be an earache or what the normal range for ear taken tempertures would be! Maybe put it on your registry!

Michele Yamazaki said...

How exciting! Hope you're feeling good, Mary. I had a Mayo clinic book that I got for free. I think I may have given it to Kari. I wonder if its the same book? I don't remember the title, but it was good!

Funny Sheryl mentioned losing a tooth. Lily lost her first one on Saturday and lost another tonight. I need to remember to play tooth fairy again :-)

James Joseph Middleton said...

Sheryl, thank you for the great tip about the follow up book! I really like having the info available just in case I need it and think that sounds like a great reference. Michele, I will check with Kari to see if it sounds like the one!